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Paediatric Chiropractor in Canberra

At Universal Chiropractic, we are dedicated to the health and well-being of your entire family, including your little ones.

Chiropractor for Babies and Adolescents

Is your child having trouble falling or staying asleep? Are they having persistent or recurring pain in the back, neck, or other areas? Have you noticed poor posture, such as slouching or rounded shoulders, or challenges with balance and coordination?

At Universal Chiropractic, we recognise the profound impact these issues can have on a child’s overall development and quality of life. That’s why we offer paediatric chiropractor care, designed to improve their comfort, enhance their physical health, and support their overall well-being.

Dr Kathy Knight, our principal paediatric chiropractor, will evaluate your child’s nervous system to address any restrictions and identify appropriate methods of action to best accommodate your child’s needs. Dr Kathy is committed to providing compassionate, individualised care to ensure your child receives the most effective care for their unique situation.

Contact us today if you have any questions or if you’d like to assess whether a child chiropractor is the best fit for you and your child.

Individualised Care for Your Child’s Special Needs

Dr Kathy provides exceptional customised care, acknowledging that no two children are alike. For example, a child may come in at age 4 because they experience language delay. This will be a different kind of assessment compared to a child who has great language skills but challenges with sleep. As a result, Dr Kathy tailors her care to meet the unique requirements of every child.

Pediatric Care for Babies and Infants

Dr Knight has ample experience as an infant chiropractor and has completed multiple training courses with a special interest in this field. She provides exceptional care and takes pride in creating a warm, welcoming, and comfortable environment for all her patients.

Common issues she can help your baby with include:

  • Colic and Digestive Issues: Relieving discomfort from colic, gas, or constipation.
  • Sleep Difficulties: Helping with trouble falling or staying asleep.
  • Poor Latch or Feeding Issues: Addressing difficulties with breastfeeding or bottle-feeding.
  • Reflux: Managing symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux.
  • Head and Neck Tension: Easing tightness from birth trauma or positioning issues.

Chiropractic Care for Primary School-Aged Children

As children enter primary school, their physical and emotional demands change. Dr Kathy focuses on supporting their growth and development by addressing common struggles, including:

  • Postural Problems: Correcting slouching or rounded shoulders from prolonged sitting or backpack use.
  • Growing Pains: Alleviating discomfort from rapid growth spurts or physical activity.
  • Concentration Issues: Improving focus and cognitive function through optimal nervous system function.
  • Sports Injuries: Treating minor injuries from active play or sports activities.
  • Frequent Illnesses: Enhancing immune function to reduce the frequency of colds and infections.

Care for Teens and Preteens

Teenagers and preteens face unique physical and emotional changes that can benefit from chiropractic care. Dr Kathy can help address issues such as:

  • Postural Imbalances: Correcting poor posture from prolonged use of smartphones and computers.
  • Back and Neck Pain: Managing discomfort from heavy backpacks or sports-related injuries.
  • Hormonal Changes: Supporting the body during growth spurts and hormonal shifts.
  • Stress and Anxiety: Helping to reduce physical symptoms of stress and improve overall mental well-being.
  • Sports Performance: Enhancing flexibility, coordination, and recovery from athletic activities.

What to Expect From Your Appointment

At Universal Chiropractic, we want to ensure that your child’s visit is comfortable and informative. Understanding what to expect during your appointment can help alleviate any concerns and set the stage for a positive experience. Here’s a brief overview of what you can anticipate during your visit, including the steps we’ll take to assess your child’s needs and develop a tailored care plan:

When you come in, you and your child will be greeted by our front desk chiropractic assistant. Our fun and friendly environment helps set the stage for a great visit for your child.

You will be asked to complete a history form that asks for details of your pregnancy and your child’s birth. We’ll ask you about your medical history or anything that may have happened. You will be asked if your child had any injuries. Next, your child will be brought into the assessment area.

Our paediatric chiropractor will check the following to determine your child’s development levels:

  • Primitive reflexes
  • Tone
  • Fine & gross motor skills

  • Social skills
  • Memory
  • Sensory processing

  • Balance & posture

FAQs About Our Paediatric Chiropractic Care

At Universal Chiropractic, we’re dedicated to providing all the information you need to make the best decisions for your child’s health and well-being. Below we’ve answered some of the most common questions parents have before taking their older child or baby to a chiropractor. If you have any additional questions or need further clarification, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via our contact page.
Will it be painful for my child to get adjusted?

Dr Kathy uses very light and gentle techniques on children, which are not considered to be painful at all. Our approach ensures that your child’s experience with chiropractic care is both positive and pain-free.

How do you adjust an active toddler?

At our practice, kids can be kids. As a mum of three, our pediatric chiropractor knows how to relate to children. She can adjust children while they’re playing games and observe their movements during activity.

Do you have additional training to care for babies and children?

Dr Kathy has undertaken additional training in chiropractic care of children and infants from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). She is certified by the ICPA, and in the use of the Webster technique. In addition, she has completed the 2-year Neurodevelopmental Paediatric Program, enhancing her expertise in addressing a wide range of developmental and neurological issues in children.

How can chiropractic benefit older children?

Primary school-aged patients often have back pain from wearing too-heavy backpacks. Preteens and teens, who are often looking down at their smartphones or other digital devices, can develop postural problems, which we can address. Those who are enrolled at university are often feeling fatigued, stressed and overwhelmed. Chiropractic may help them have less stress and more energy.

How often should my child see a chiropractor?

The frequency of chiropractic visits can vary based on your child’s specific needs and health goals. During your initial consultation, Dr Kathy will assess your child’s condition and recommend a care plan tailored to them. Generally, more frequent visits may be recommended initially, with fewer visits as your child’s condition improves.

Will my insurance cover pediatric chiropractic care?

Coverage for pediatric chiropractic care varies by insurance plan. We recommend contacting your insurance provider directly to understand your coverage. Our office is also available to assist with any questions you might have regarding billing and insurance.

Schedule an Appointment

Contact us today to book a convenient appointment!

Pregnancy and Pediatric Chiropractor Canberra, Chifley, Woden Valley and Weston Creek ACT
0411 125 637